Friday, May 3, 2013

moments of grace - by Thomas Berry - YES! A Journal of Positive Futures — YES! Magazine

moments of grace - by Thomas Berry - YES! A Journal of Positive Futures — YES! Magazine

Pope Francis pulls no punches on Twitter

Pope Francis pulls no punches on Twitter

Workers & Employers are on the Journey Together

Both have responsibilities to be fair for the Common Good where all can not just survive, but thrive.
At a minimum, the worker needs to do an honest day's work.  The employer needs to provide decent working conditions and just wages.  By working cooperatively with one another and in harmony with the Earth a sense of accomplishment follows and builds community where one can grow.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1 Commemorates Workers

May 1  commemorates workers' struggles for just working conditions and wages around the globe.  It's a time to remember the birth of the paper The Catholic Worker and the movement The Catholic Worker which includes houses of hospitality for the poor.  The co-founders were Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin.  May 1 is also the feast of St. Joseph the Worker.  The worker's dignity from a Christian view comes from God.  Work is not just about making money or a means of self-development.  It is an opportunity to participate in the creativity of God expressed in the creativity of the universe extending to Earth.  We are chosen for the 21st c.   We all have a role to play and gifts to contribute with others for the common good and the harmony of the whole. 

A Tribute to Thomas Berry (1914-2009), Scholar, Visionary, Planet Lover by Mary Evelyn Tucker — YES! Magazine

A Tribute to Thomas Berry (1914-2009), Scholar, Visionary, Planet Lover by Mary Evelyn Tucker — YES! Magazine

Children are Gifts, Blessings from God in Major Religions

They have the right to life, love, physical and spiritual nourishment from their parents who prepare them to assume greater responsibility in the family, their religion and the larger community.  Allah fashions all in the womb.   Yahweh remembers us even if our mothers forget us.  Jesus calls attention to the childlike trust of the young for those who wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  He embraces and heals the young.


We live in a Symphonic, Sacred Universe.  Asian religions emphasize compassion and that there are consequences for our actions.  Jesus also teaches us that what we sow is what we are going to reap.
The ahimsa doctrine of Hinduism and Jainism note that doing no harm or non-violence should extend to other creatures besides the human.  Martin Luther King, Jr. asserted that if we all practiced, "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth," that we would all end up blind and toothless.

What really attracts us deeply?  Truth, Beauty and Goodness/Love!  We never give or receive enough.  We live in an earthly paradise but some of our activity is interfering its life giving systems.  We need to cooperate with the Earth Community for the welfare, not only, of the human children, but also, the " plant children", the "bird children", etc.
We want to leave our children the same graced Earth that we inherited.  What steps can we take now to assure this:  educationally, economically, politically, etc.?
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