Meister Eckhart (13th-14thc.) tells us that every creature is a word of God. Thus, our pets among other creatures, reflect to us something of the divine and can guide us to the divine. They listen to us, communicate with us, bring us joy, teach us loyalty, self-giving, spontaneity, authenticity and playfulness.
Our pets love us unconditionally, regardless of our race, gender, age, religion or no religion, sexual orientation, social status, vocation, politics, employment or unemployment, regardless of being president or pauper, employer or employee.
They draw out compassion in us and can lead us to experience deeper mystery in creation, ourselves, our neighbors and a deeper listening to God. Our pets do not replace human spiritual directors, but they, by their very being, can help renew our spirits, our love of life and to experience the divine.
How is your pet or another creature a word of God or a book about God to you?
Comment on how your pet or some creature has given you better self-understanding.
Has your pet or another creature helped you to become closer to others and/or to God?