Monday, September 17, 2012


Animals show us teamwork.   

We accomplish so much more by pulling together in the family, neighborhood, workplace, interfaith prayers and justice activities, in education, in recreation, in the nation and in the global community on our Journey. 

Can you give any examples of this? 
Feel free to comment on this Zambian saying: "I am, because we are."


  1. Well, we were a large family. When my brothers and sisters and myself started arguing, my mother would tell us to look at our hands. Each finger was different but when the fingers and thumb worked together they made a strong hand that could do many things. It made a strong impression on us of the value of cooperation.


  2. We need one another to become more human.

  3. We are born into a family, not just alone.
    There's a lot of give and take. The food on our tables come from many sources here and from around the world. The things we produce also go around the States and around the world. Ideas like democracy spread far and near.
