Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Where Can You Learn More about the "Faithful Budget?

In response to that and similar questions you can go to
This is formed by an Interfaith Coalition.

Related to this you can find "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship" under Issues & Action at http://www.usccb.org
This comes from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Both highlight responsibility to the poor and working in harmony with creation, among other priorities.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who are Our Brothers' and Sisters' Keeper Today on Our Journey?

That calling is for all of us NOW, not just yesterday's saints.  One group that takes this calling seriously in the 21st c. is Network, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, of Nuns and Lay Women, presently headed by Sister Simone Campbell.  This lobby promotes Faith, Family and Fairness.  Members do not want a budget balanced on the backs of working families and the elderly(Rep. Ryan's).  Faith leaders and participants will present the Washington DC Interfaith Coalition's "Faiithful Budget" proposal to N.Y. Members of CongressNuns on the Bus will transfer to Nuns on the FerryAll are welcome for the events, including the Ferry Ride to Staten Island.
                    NUNS ON THE FERRY, 11:30AM
                    MON., SEPT. 24, 2012
                    SOUTH FERRY, MANHATTAN

Who is the Patron Saint of Dogs?

The members of your family might like to know, including your canine member.  Here are a few hints.  His first initial is R and was born in 14th c. France, but later journeyed to present Italy.  Like St. Francis he renounced his riches and helped the poor and the ill.  When he himself became needy due to the plague, a dog befriended him and brought R food daily until he finally was rescued by the dog's wealthy owner and overcame the disease.

 R is prayed to for healing and is also the patron saint for several others, i.e., druggists and vetinarians.  (For interesting details see Angelo Stagnaro, "Dog's Best Friend" in U.S. Catholic, Oct. 2012).
Feel free to make any Comment or if you have discovered St. R's name.

Blessing of Animals Oct. 4

The Blessing of Animals takes place in many parishes on Oct. 4.  This is the feast of the universally loved St. Francis of Assisi (13th c.) who exalted in a kinship relationship with all of Creation (see earlier post).  This ritual reminds us that animals are sacred.  All of Creation is sacred since it comes from God. We have a responsibility and a privilege to care for animals and befriend Creation by mutal support.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Animals show us teamwork.   

We accomplish so much more by pulling together in the family, neighborhood, workplace, interfaith prayers and justice activities, in education, in recreation, in the nation and in the global community on our Journey. 

Can you give any examples of this? 
Feel free to comment on this Zambian saying: "I am, because we are."