Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thomas Berry: The Great Story


  1. For more references to this beloved gentleman of Earth, please see
    hosted by Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.

  2. This is really a beautiful blog!

  3. This is all so beautiful. It shows the goodness and love of God for all of humankind.

  4. Thank you for the information on the francisemma org leading to the Thomas Berry
    Center and all the other comments!

  5. THOMAS BERRY is a great man with a vital message for us now!

  6. I was honored to meet Thomas Berry at Riverdale with Marilyn Nichols,CSJ. He greeted us so warmly and made us feel at home as overnight guests. Nature is a picture of God. This was so real as we gazed at the Great Red Oak along the majestic Hudson. Thomas lives his vision for our times.

  7. Here is a wonderful poem to comtemplate called "The Gift" by Helen Pinkerton.

    “I had a gift once that I then refused.
    Now, when I take it, though I be accused
    Of softness, cant, self-weariness at best,
    Of failure, fear, neurosis, and the rest.
    Still, I am here and I shall not remove.
    I know my need. And this reluctant love,
    This little that I have, is something true,
    Sign of the unrevealed that lies in you.
    Grace is the gift. To take it my concern—
    Itself the only possible return.”

    This also , I think, is a wonderful passage:
    By education and experience John Wesley Powell was a soldier (he lost an arm at Shiloh) and a geologist, not a poet. In 1869, Powell led the first passage by Americans through the Grand Canyon. In Canyons of the Colorado (1895), a mingling of geology and romantic adventure, he writes:

    “The wonders of the Grand Canyon cannot be adequately represented in symbols of speech, nor by speech itself. The resources of the graphic art are taxed beyond their powers in attempting to portray its features. Language and illustration combined must fail.”

  8. We might reflect on our Journey how Love and the Beauty of Nature surpass our mere words.
    Sometimes, all that we can do is experience such Grace and lift our hearts in deep awe and gratitude to the Giver!

  9. Nature is awesome. We need to protect it more. What would we be without it?

  10. No doubt, Berry speaks to our times. Will we follow his wisdom?

  11. Messages & Videos really open up my eyes!

  12. The Beauty of the Natural World speaks to all people.
