Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who are Our Brothers' and Sisters' Keeper Today on Our Journey?

That calling is for all of us NOW, not just yesterday's saints.  One group that takes this calling seriously in the 21st c. is Network, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, of Nuns and Lay Women, presently headed by Sister Simone Campbell.  This lobby promotes Faith, Family and Fairness.  Members do not want a budget balanced on the backs of working families and the elderly(Rep. Ryan's).  Faith leaders and participants will present the Washington DC Interfaith Coalition's "Faiithful Budget" proposal to N.Y. Members of CongressNuns on the Bus will transfer to Nuns on the FerryAll are welcome for the events, including the Ferry Ride to Staten Island.
                    NUNS ON THE FERRY, 11:30AM
                    MON., SEPT. 24, 2012
                    SOUTH FERRY, MANHATTAN


  1. It's good to see people who are authentic, who "practice what they preach"!

  2. There are many views on how best to be our brother's or sister's keeper, but the bottom line is love. Treat them the way you want to be treated in their situation.

  3. Thanks for the announcement. Sorry we couldn't go, but we heard there was an enthusiastic turnout.

    Would you happen to know where we can know more about the Interfaith Coalition's Faithful Budget?
