Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Advent in 2 Minutes
What is Advent? For Christians, how does this part of the Journey help to get heart and hands ready to welcome Christ and their "neighbors", including the poor and marginalized?
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Teilhard: Priest-Scientist-Futurist
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 France-1955 NYC)
Click http://www.teilharddechardin.org the official website of the American Teilhard Association for his biography, etc. and the ongoing work of Teilhard Associations.
President: John GrimVice Presidents: Mary Evelyn Tucker, Brian Swimme
Board of Directors includes:
Bishop Belshaw, NJ
Kathleen Duffy, SSJ, PA
Marilyn Nichols, CSJ, MI
Annual Meeting May 3, 2014 Lunch 12pm
1:45pm Speaker: Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ, NY
"Teilhard's Thought: Growing the Tradition Forward."
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Life on the dusty edges: Photos explore the fringes of Peru’s bustling capital
Life on the dusty edges: Photos explore the fringes of Peru’s bustling capital
The cross is part of our Journey on Earth. We overcome evil by doing good. How does extreme poverty crucify people today? What policies could help people to arise? How can we lighten the cross of even one person today?
The cross is part of our Journey on Earth. We overcome evil by doing good. How does extreme poverty crucify people today? What policies could help people to arise? How can we lighten the cross of even one person today?
Papa’s touch: Francis reaches out to man covered in boils
Papa’s touch: Francis reaches out to man covered in boils
We all need to lovingly touch and to be touched on our Journey.
We all need to lovingly touch and to be touched on our Journey.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Nancy Pelosi on Sister Simone - Rep. Nancy Pelosi - POLITICO.com
Nancy Pelosi on Sister Simone - Rep. Nancy Pelosi - POLITICO.com
The Great Cosmic Journey brings to birth just the right people at the right time that God's "will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." HAPPY BEARTHDAY, SISTER SIMONE!
The Great Cosmic Journey brings to birth just the right people at the right time that God's "will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." HAPPY BEARTHDAY, SISTER SIMONE!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai meets Obamas at White House
Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai meets Obamas at White House
What a blessing Malala is to our Earth Community! Her courage speaks a language that all understand. She inspires children and adults alike to develop their potential to make the world a better place. History will remember this teen as one of the real heroines of the 21st century! (See June, 2013)
What a blessing Malala is to our Earth Community! Her courage speaks a language that all understand. She inspires children and adults alike to develop their potential to make the world a better place. History will remember this teen as one of the real heroines of the 21st century! (See June, 2013)
Monday, October 14, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Melting glaciers make climate change visible at St. Francis feast events | National Catholic Reporter
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Pope rejects church of 'small-minded rules' in Jesuit interview | National Catholic Reporter
Pope rejects church of 'small-minded rules' in Jesuit interview | National Catholic Reporter
How can the church (ordained, laity, religious) live "God is Love?"
How can the church (ordained, laity, religious) live "God is Love?"
Friday, September 13, 2013
More Thoughts for the Great Journey
The root reality of the Universe is Generosity of Being. A gorgeous living Earth drifts light as a feather around the great roaring generosity of the sun* Brian Swimme.
We must live what we want others to learn* Mahatma Gandhi
We must live what we want others to learn* Mahatma Gandhi
Thoughts for the Great Journey
Love is the most universal, the most tremendous, the most mysterious of the Cosmic forces* Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
Each particular being is historically irreplaceable* Thomas Berry
Each particular being is historically irreplaceable* Thomas Berry
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The Pope gets on the line, and everyone is talking
The Pope gets on the line, and everyone is talking
How does our society and individuals extend a friendly lifeline of connection and compassion?
How does our society and individuals extend a friendly lifeline of connection and compassion?
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
USCCB Blog: What Can I Do? Three Steps to Reduce Income Dispar...
USCCB Blog: What Can I Do? Three Steps to Reduce Income Dispar...: By Father James Martin, SJ Before I entered the Jesuits in 1988, I worked for six years at General Electric in their finance departme...
Sunday, September 1, 2013
When Will Humanity Learn That Violence Gives Birth to More Violence Sooner or Later?
All major religions teach some form of "The Golden Rule", i.e. "Do unto others, what you would have them, do unto you". "Don't do unto others, what you would not have them do unto you." "Love your neighbor, as you love yourself." Besides the various religions, history itself, reflects that, what is sown, is what is reaped, eventually. All major religions also teach concern for the poor, prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting would enlighten any debate or actions that might be taken re crimes against humanity in the recent use of chemical weapons. This is an international crime that demands just international solutions without making the situation worse.
Could we globally honor the divine by mobilizing resources toward justice and peace by replacing acts of destructive hate-energy with acts of constructive love-energy? Can we globally work even harder in finding common ground for the sake of our precious, irreplaceable children and our beautiful, irreplaceable Earth?
Could we globally honor the divine by mobilizing resources toward justice and peace by replacing acts of destructive hate-energy with acts of constructive love-energy? Can we globally work even harder in finding common ground for the sake of our precious, irreplaceable children and our beautiful, irreplaceable Earth?
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy with #DreamDay
Commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy with #DreamDay
What tugs at your mind and heart the most? What keeps your dream alive? How do others have similar dreams? What is the "dream" of a tree, your pet, an eagle? Have you read The Dream of the Earth" or The Great Work: Our Way into the Future, by Thomas Berry? (Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Mickler)
What tugs at your mind and heart the most? What keeps your dream alive? How do others have similar dreams? What is the "dream" of a tree, your pet, an eagle? Have you read The Dream of the Earth" or The Great Work: Our Way into the Future, by Thomas Berry? (Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Mickler)
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
'Forte' - America’s Got Talent
'Forte' - America’s Got Talent
"Brave" youth give hope for the future. They give us a glimpse of an earthcommunity in harmony.
COMMENTS WELCOME: How does this talented trio nudge you to develop your own talents and make the world a better place?
(Skip ad).
"Brave" youth give hope for the future. They give us a glimpse of an earthcommunity in harmony.
COMMENTS WELCOME: How does this talented trio nudge you to develop your own talents and make the world a better place?
(Skip ad).
University of Connecticut is one of Sierra magazine's Top 10 Coolest Schools. #CoolSchools
University of Connecticut is one of Sierra magazine's Top 10 Coolest Schools. #CoolSchools
Congratulations for helping to shape a healthy, sustainable future that will rejoice all earthlings!
Congratulations for helping to shape a healthy, sustainable future that will rejoice all earthlings!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
We Are Part of the Earth | Spiritual Ecology
We Are Part of the Earth | Spiritual Ecology
How are we part of Earth? Who are you? What does a tree teach us?
How are we part of Earth? Who are you? What does a tree teach us?
Religion and a New Environmental Ethic | Spiritual Ecology
Religion and a New Environmental Ethic | Spiritual Ecology
How do religions help humankind with the overarching ecological challenge in the 21st century?
How is the ecological crisis a moral issue? What is the relationship between the ecological crisis and the poor? Health? Economy? Peace?
How do religions help humankind with the overarching ecological challenge in the 21st century?
How is the ecological crisis a moral issue? What is the relationship between the ecological crisis and the poor? Health? Economy? Peace?
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Asking the Right Questions - Native Perspectives on Sustainability | Spiritual Ecology
Asking the Right Questions - Native Perspectives on Sustainability | Spiritual Ecology
How well do we listen to other perspectives?
How well do we listen to other perspectives?
Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World | Spiritual Ecology
Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World | Spiritual Ecology
How can we create harmony in our one world that will make our children and grandchildren proud?
How can we create harmony in our one world that will make our children and grandchildren proud?
Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth Book Trailer | Spiritual Ecology
Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth Book Trailer | Spiritual Ecology
What are our values in practice? See short videos from various wisdom traditions.
What are our values in practice? See short videos from various wisdom traditions.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Malala Yousafzai: Being shot by Taliban made me stronger
Malala Yousafzai: Being shot by Taliban made me stronger
TEENAGE MALALA is another brave heroine for the 21st century where Truth, Love and Community matter more than repressive ignorance, violence and divisive control at any price.
For what are we willing to be committed?
TEENAGE MALALA is another brave heroine for the 21st century where Truth, Love and Community matter more than repressive ignorance, violence and divisive control at any price.
For what are we willing to be committed?
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Anthony Leiserowitz on Making People Care About Climate Change | Moyers & Company | BillMoyers.com
Real Heroes/Heroines of the 21st Century
The real Heroes and Heroines of the 21st Century love without borders. They give without counting the cost. They experience joy without measure. People--all people are more important than profits. All inhabitants of our living Earth Community are valued. Children are assisted, not assaulted. Human children, Yes. "Grass children", "flower children", "fish children", "bird children", "deer children", etc. They will go into a creative, enchanting, healthy future together or into a destructive, alienating and toxic one.
How will we parents, grandparents, educators, young adults, students, religious leaders, farmers, scientists, artists, writers, IT professionals, musicians, actors/actresses, government leaders, medical personnel, lawyers, economists, business people, workers, employers, etc., as informed adults decide by our actions? Every heroic venture requires love, overcoming obstacles, sacrifice and persistence. How are we meeting the greatest overarching challenge of the 21st century, the environmental one?
How will we answer our children and grandchildren who will question us on this in 10, 20 or 30 years? How will history record our environmental legacy? How will we respond to the Mystery that brings so much life-giving Beauty and Abundance forth? See the courageous responses of Sandra Steingraber, biologist/activist mother upper N.Y.; Vandana Shiva, Indian environmentalist/physicist; Dorothy Stang, SND, activist for the poor and rainforests in Brazil (murdered); Kenyan Wangari Maathai, Foundress Green Belt Movement and Cesar Chavez, farm worker/leader in CA. (Note youtube videos on them).
How will we parents, grandparents, educators, young adults, students, religious leaders, farmers, scientists, artists, writers, IT professionals, musicians, actors/actresses, government leaders, medical personnel, lawyers, economists, business people, workers, employers, etc., as informed adults decide by our actions? Every heroic venture requires love, overcoming obstacles, sacrifice and persistence. How are we meeting the greatest overarching challenge of the 21st century, the environmental one?
How will we answer our children and grandchildren who will question us on this in 10, 20 or 30 years? How will history record our environmental legacy? How will we respond to the Mystery that brings so much life-giving Beauty and Abundance forth? See the courageous responses of Sandra Steingraber, biologist/activist mother upper N.Y.; Vandana Shiva, Indian environmentalist/physicist; Dorothy Stang, SND, activist for the poor and rainforests in Brazil (murdered); Kenyan Wangari Maathai, Foundress Green Belt Movement and Cesar Chavez, farm worker/leader in CA. (Note youtube videos on them).
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Friday, May 3, 2013
Workers & Employers are on the Journey Together
Both have responsibilities to be fair for the Common Good where all can not just survive, but thrive.
At a minimum, the worker needs to do an honest day's work. The employer needs to provide decent working conditions and just wages. By working cooperatively with one another and in harmony with the Earth a sense of accomplishment follows and builds community where one can grow.
At a minimum, the worker needs to do an honest day's work. The employer needs to provide decent working conditions and just wages. By working cooperatively with one another and in harmony with the Earth a sense of accomplishment follows and builds community where one can grow.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
May 1 Commemorates Workers
May 1 commemorates workers' struggles for just working conditions and wages around the globe. It's a time to remember the birth of the paper The Catholic Worker and the movement The Catholic Worker which includes houses of hospitality for the poor. The co-founders were Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. May 1 is also the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. The worker's dignity from a Christian view comes from God. Work is not just about making money or a means of self-development. It is an opportunity to participate in the creativity of God expressed in the creativity of the universe extending to Earth. We are chosen for the 21st c. We all have a role to play and gifts to contribute with others for the common good and the harmony of the whole.
Children are Gifts, Blessings from God in Major Religions
They have the right to life, love, physical and spiritual nourishment from their parents who prepare them to assume greater responsibility in the family, their religion and the larger community. Allah fashions all in the womb. Yahweh remembers us even if our mothers forget us. Jesus calls attention to the childlike trust of the young for those who wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He embraces and heals the young.
We live in a Symphonic, Sacred Universe. Asian religions emphasize compassion and that there are consequences for our actions. Jesus also teaches us that what we sow is what we are going to reap.
The ahimsa doctrine of Hinduism and Jainism note that doing no harm or non-violence should extend to other creatures besides the human. Martin Luther King, Jr. asserted that if we all practiced, "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth," that we would all end up blind and toothless.
What really attracts us deeply? Truth, Beauty and Goodness/Love! We never give or receive enough. We live in an earthly paradise but some of our activity is interfering its life giving systems. We need to cooperate with the Earth Community for the welfare, not only, of the human children, but also, the " plant children", the "bird children", etc.
We want to leave our children the same graced Earth that we inherited. What steps can we take now to assure this: educationally, economically, politically, etc.?
Comments Welcome:
We live in a Symphonic, Sacred Universe. Asian religions emphasize compassion and that there are consequences for our actions. Jesus also teaches us that what we sow is what we are going to reap.
The ahimsa doctrine of Hinduism and Jainism note that doing no harm or non-violence should extend to other creatures besides the human. Martin Luther King, Jr. asserted that if we all practiced, "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth," that we would all end up blind and toothless.
What really attracts us deeply? Truth, Beauty and Goodness/Love! We never give or receive enough. We live in an earthly paradise but some of our activity is interfering its life giving systems. We need to cooperate with the Earth Community for the welfare, not only, of the human children, but also, the " plant children", the "bird children", etc.
We want to leave our children the same graced Earth that we inherited. What steps can we take now to assure this: educationally, economically, politically, etc.?
Comments Welcome:
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
‘I never had a second thought’: College athlete cuts career short to save stranger’s life - TODAY.com
1‘I never had a second thought’: College athlete cuts career short to save stranger’s life - TODAY.com
There are many hardworking, generous young adults today. Cameron exemplifies the best of heroic humanity!
Let's see more heroic stories.
COMMENT: Would you like to share one?
There are many hardworking, generous young adults today. Cameron exemplifies the best of heroic humanity!
Let's see more heroic stories.
COMMENT: Would you like to share one?
A Child Reminds Us of Basic Truths
Martin Richard had a sense that we are all equal. For a class project this 2nd grader wrote on his poster not to harm people and added symbols of Love and the word PEACE. This young Bostonian who was a victim of the recent bombing violence, will be remembered for promoting harmony, rather than harm. This young lad with the big smile reminds adults of basic truths with his poster and a meaningful life, although so young. Mother Teresa tells us that Peace begins with a smile. Whether young or old, rich or poor, sick or well, employed or unemployed, parent or child, how can we bring more harmony into our human community and into our Earthcommunity?
Comments welcome:
Comments welcome:
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Overcome Evil on Our Journey by Doing Good
Our prayers and hearts go out to the brave men and women of Boston and to our neighbors everywhere who suffer such atrocities! Evil is overcome by doing good. Justice will prevail.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
United Nations creates World Water Day to address water crisis | National Catholic Reporter
United Nations creates World Water Day to address water crisis | National Catholic Reporter
We can all do without many things, but all earthlings need water to survive. Fresh water is limited. What can families do to protect fresh water? Nations?
We can all do without many things, but all earthlings need water to survive. Fresh water is limited. What can families do to protect fresh water? Nations?
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Pope Francis Urges that We Protect Environment
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Blessings on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, who has a heart for the poor, leaves a light carbon footprint, so far, and leads by example! May all people of good will join him in making a more just Earthcommunity.
He chose his new name after St. Francis of Assisi (12th c.), whom we recall, was not only a humble reformer of the Church, but also, gives us a "kinship" model in relating respectfully to Creation and to its Creator. All creatures are brothers and sisters, not just objects to be used as we please. These gifts of God nourish us in many ways and help us to know God. John Paul II proclaimed St. Francis as Patron Saint of Ecology.
On our Journey in the 21st c. we are becoming more aware of how interdependent we are with the entire Earthcommunity. Climate change or any degradation of Earth impacts the poor the most, and eventually all of us. Charity and Just Environmental Policies work together for the common good, including basic rights and responsibilities. Many hope that Pope Francis promotes these in his efforts to help all in the Earthcommunity to reach their potential, especially the poor and marginalized.
He chose his new name after St. Francis of Assisi (12th c.), whom we recall, was not only a humble reformer of the Church, but also, gives us a "kinship" model in relating respectfully to Creation and to its Creator. All creatures are brothers and sisters, not just objects to be used as we please. These gifts of God nourish us in many ways and help us to know God. John Paul II proclaimed St. Francis as Patron Saint of Ecology.
On our Journey in the 21st c. we are becoming more aware of how interdependent we are with the entire Earthcommunity. Climate change or any degradation of Earth impacts the poor the most, and eventually all of us. Charity and Just Environmental Policies work together for the common good, including basic rights and responsibilities. Many hope that Pope Francis promotes these in his efforts to help all in the Earthcommunity to reach their potential, especially the poor and marginalized.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Do We Feel Gratitude, Respect and Affection for Land, for Earth?
What are the possibilites and limitations of this particular land?
How can we nurture and share the land?
What must not be done to the land?
What happens when people are deprived of land and the fruits of land?
Whom and what do we really value?
Will we enhance Earth for present and future inhabitants or ignore conditions/policies that
will weaken Earth resulting in a weaker Economy, boring underemployment and widespread
Will we learn from Wendell Berry: teacher, writer and farmer who shares words of Wisdom
showing affection for land, for Earth, for our Home?
How can we nurture and share the land?
What must not be done to the land?
What happens when people are deprived of land and the fruits of land?
Whom and what do we really value?
Will we enhance Earth for present and future inhabitants or ignore conditions/policies that
will weaken Earth resulting in a weaker Economy, boring underemployment and widespread
Will we learn from Wendell Berry: teacher, writer and farmer who shares words of Wisdom
showing affection for land, for Earth, for our Home?
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Do We Want to Help the Earth?
Have we asked the land how it flourished in the past and how it would like to flourish in the future for the common good? Have we listened to the wisdom of the family farmer who respects the land and works with it? (Note: Wendell Berry). Have we deeply listened to our bioregions, mountains, valleys, meadows, plains, deserts, forests, trees, grass, flowers, brooks, lakes, falls, oceans, animals, insects, etc. What might the sun, moon, stars, rain, snow, wind and storms be telling us?

Saturday, February 23, 2013
[VIDEO] Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen!
[VIDEO] Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen!
This video applies to our Journey wherever our location, status, career, vocation, clergy, laity or religious. The message of being helpful with common sense of treating others with respect, the way we want to be treated: first of all, listening. Ernesto Sirolli's presentation reminds me of when I was teaching at a seminary in Zambia. Strolling through the compound, I asked some of the women how we might assist one another? A few weeks later they told me that the most helpful thing for them would be a sewing machine ( something that never occurred to me). We were able to get a few machines, a teacher and establish a Sewing Club that lifted their spirits, developed their creative skills and benefitted the whole family. Their sacrifice and eagerness to learn and to share remain a great inspiration, as some walked even miles in the hot sun with their babies on their backs and taught me about their culture. We all can contribute to building our interdependent Earth Community.
COMMENT: How does this video challenge society and/or you?
This video applies to our Journey wherever our location, status, career, vocation, clergy, laity or religious. The message of being helpful with common sense of treating others with respect, the way we want to be treated: first of all, listening. Ernesto Sirolli's presentation reminds me of when I was teaching at a seminary in Zambia. Strolling through the compound, I asked some of the women how we might assist one another? A few weeks later they told me that the most helpful thing for them would be a sewing machine ( something that never occurred to me). We were able to get a few machines, a teacher and establish a Sewing Club that lifted their spirits, developed their creative skills and benefitted the whole family. Their sacrifice and eagerness to learn and to share remain a great inspiration, as some walked even miles in the hot sun with their babies on their backs and taught me about their culture. We all can contribute to building our interdependent Earth Community.
COMMENT: How does this video challenge society and/or you?
Friday, February 1, 2013
To Whom or What Do Our Lives Pledge Allegiance?
Do our lives on our Journey pledge allegiance to the "Almighty Dollar"? Transnational corporations? My country right or wrong? My political "loyalties" right or wrong? My race? My gender? My limitless freedom without responsibility? Or do our lives on our Journey pledge allegiance to the best ideals of our country and beyond to Solidarity, to the Common Good, the well-being of all, to a consistent life ethic, to freedom with responsibility to do good, to treat all of our neighbors (human and non-human) as we would like to be treated, to build a culture of Life, not of Death, to build our one interdependent Earth Community as we Journey together?
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Deciding for the Common Good
We grow or weaken in a whole web of relationships whether family, nation, U.N. or one Earth Community. Deciding and working for the Common Good, where all can participate, contribute and flourish strengthens "America the Beautiful" and the Earth Community.
COMMENT: What do you need to flourish? Families? The children? the Poor or Marginalized? Workers? Employers? Animals? Plants? Lakes? Oceans? Forests?
COMMENT: What do you need to flourish? Families? The children? the Poor or Marginalized? Workers? Employers? Animals? Plants? Lakes? Oceans? Forests?
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Earth Moves: How has "Sandy" or Similar Changed You?
While we are deciding, the earth moves. Disasters happen on our Journey whether human made or not. Some we can lessen or prevent. Others we cannot. Most of the time a blue sky smiles at us. Why be concerned about global warming, the polar bear and her cubs? Why bother to conserve water, food and gas? Then, "Sandy" scowls, howls and terrifies us, at least for awhile.
COMMENT: How has "Sandy" changed you?
COMMENT: How has "Sandy" changed you?
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